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Academic Ethics & Integrity


About This Course

This course covers topics related to academic and research ethics and integrity. The aim of this course is to nature studets, academics and researchers who will be morally sound and have a high level self-esteem and integrity.

  1. Introduction: Definition of academic ethics and integrity, lmportance of academic integrity, Forms of academic dishonesty, promoting integrity, policies and procedure that govern academic integrity and ethical conduct in the University.
  2. Ethics: Definition of Ethics &apm; History, Ethical Views, Rights and Rules, Law and Ethics
  3. Plagiarism and cheating: Definition, Forms of Plagiarism, Levels of Plagiarism, offences, and punishments at university level, Tackling plagiarism, Plagiarism detection software, Forms of cheating, and scientific misconduct, Tutorials
  4. Intellectual Property: Industrial Property &apm; Trade Secrets, Copyright, Equitable-Benefit Sharing and Genetic Resources, Intellectual property and the law Sri Lanka, Fair Use policy, Creative Commons &apm; Public Domain, Non-Disclosure Agreements
  5. Research ethics: Maintaining integrity relative to authorship; data management and ownership, Protection of human and animal rights, research fraud.
  6. Data Security and Privacy: Ethical Clearance, Data Collection and Informed Consent, Security of Data, Privacy &apm; Confidentiality, Data Protection Acts

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Hakim Usoof

After graduating with a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Computer Science from the University of Peradeniya in 2003 I joined the same University as a temporary lecturer in that year. In 2004 I joined the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) as a Lecturer where I served till December 2018. On January 2019 I joined the Dept. of Statistics & Computer Science at the University of Peradeniya. In 2005/06 I followed the Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education programme conducted by the Staff Development Centre of the University of Colombo and received accreditation by the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) of UK. In February of 2007 I received a scholarship form SIDA/SPIDER through the National eLearning Centre Project to do my PhD studies. I was awarded my Doctor of Philosophy degree from Umeå University of Sweden in September 2012. Since February 2020, I have been spending my Sabbatical as a Researcher at the University of Turku in Finland.

Course Staff Image #2

Prof. Pushpa Wijekoon

Former Professor at the Depatment of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Peradeniya.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to complete this course to be awarded my degree?

Yes, passing this course is a prerequisit for being awarded the degree.

Before when do I need to complete the course?

We advice you to complete the course in your 1st year, however it is sufficient if you complete it before your final year examinations.

What is the pass score of this course?

You have to obtain a ninimum of 60% to pass the course.

Will I be given a grade for this course?

No. This is a Pass or Fail course.

What is the time line of this course?

You can follow the course at your own pace and take the examinations at a time you wish.

Do I need to complete all the modules(sub sections)?

Yes. You have to follow all modules and take all quizes and final exams.
